My Letter Pictures

Pricing & Printing

The pricing on each product is based on the number of letters. Current price is $4.00 Per Letter.
As of now I accept Currency and Checks.

Example: 4 Letters - $4.00 Per Letter: $16.00


To give clients the most flexibility, upon presentation of the artwork, any letter can be changed or redone. It's total customization!

Once the client has approved the final art piece, I email the photo in a high quality JPG format in a desired printing size (ex: 8x10, 5x7, 4x6).

Clients can then print them at a local photo printer such as Walmart or Sam's Club and place their photo in a pre-selected frame.

This process allows not only the ease that the product is being transferred securely, but for customization and outsourcing to other future clients.

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